Google Adsense, Dream of every blogger. Every Blogger wants to enjoy their life by making money from their blog, Google Adsense is one of the best way which helps them to make money from their blog.
But, wait ! Before applying for Adsense I would like to give you some important tips.
You might have noticed that these days it’s not easy to get approved by Google Adsense. Adsense seems to be very strict when reviewing on any new application.
There are many tricks for getting quick adsense approval and that’s the reason why they have made this process very hard. Adsense does not easily trust on any new site and as a result blogger have to face rejection.
If you have applied for adsense and got rejected or wanted to apply for adsense then read this guide. I’m sure you will be learning new things.
In this step by step guide, I’ll be sharing tips before applying for google adsense that should be followed carefully to get your adsense account approved.
Here are some questions which I have got from my readers related to Google Adsense :-
- My blog can qualify google adsense application ?
- How to apply for Google Adsense ?
- I’m eligible to apply for Adsense or not ?
- Requirements for Google Adsense ?
- Google Adsense rejected my blog application, Why ?
- What should be done after getting rejected from google adsense ?
Why Google Adsense is Most Popular ?
You might know that Google Adsense is one of the oldest ad network which works on Pay per click system.
Adsense speaks for itself when it comes to popularity. There are thousands of satisfied Google Adsense customers globally. Adsense always pays their customers on time which is one another reason behind it’s popularity.
If we do our work in correct manner then we can easily earn huge amounts of money from this ad network. I’ve personally seen many professional bloggers who are completely earning their livings from Google adsense.
These are some big reasons behind choosing Google Adsense service among all other ad networks.
Because of high paying rates compared to all other ad networks, Google Adsense is most popular among bloggers.
But, they have made the approval process quite strict as everyone is running for it. Even a small mistake can lead you to application rejection. Below I’ve mentioned some reasons why Google Adsense can reject your application.
Common reasons why Adsense can reject your application
Here are some most common reasons behind not getting approved by google adsense. I’ve also listed Google Adsense requirements that you should always keep in mind before applying for Adsense.
1. Inappropriate/Insufficient Website Content
This means that your website doesn’t have enough content to review it from Google Specialists.
Google pays full attention on your web content before accepting your application. Google will right away reject your blog’s application if it contains grammatical errors or written poorly.
But writing grammatical error free content is not enough. You have to create unique content for your site which provides value to blog readers.
So, Poor content on blog is the most common reason which should be avoided.
2. Blog Design and Layout
If you open a website having bright yellow background and has white text on it with huge buttons all over, What will be your next step ?
I know your answer, No or I would say Never ! You will never going to open that site again.
Blogs with poor layout and designs are hard for visitors to navigate through.
You must have a good blog design which looks decent. User should feel good opening your site. Navigation should be properly done without any issues.
3. Lack of About Us, Privacy Policy and Contact Us Pages
There are some pages which are essential before applying for Google Adsense in order to get your adsense application approved.
About Us page, Contact and Privacy Policy Pages are must have pages. These pages makes a professional impression and indicates Google that you are working according to their policies. Do remember, Privacy Policy Page is one of the requirements which Google asks before getting adsense approval.
4. Site Does not Follow Adsense Policies
Having no unique, rich and informative content, Less organic traffic, Bad user experiences because of poor navigation.
Driving traffic to your website from illegal website sources, excessive keyword stuffing or bad layout design blogs are usually rejected by Google specialists.
So, for not facing rejections anymore you need a complete guidance and few essential tips before applying for Google Adsense
Things to do Before Applying for Google Adsense
1. Writing Unique and High-Quality Content
1. Writing Unique and High-Quality Content
Most important factor to be done correctly before applying for Google Adsense is to create high-quality content for your blog. Unique and high-quality content can’t be ignored at any cost.
Google really loves those blogs who are providing them with high quality content. This also leads to increase daily blog traffic. Always remember that your Adsense application will be reviewed by humans and impressing those people is the only possible way to get your Google Adsense application approved.
Wondering what does it means by high-quality content ?
A high-quality content must have these things :-
A high-quality content must have these things :-
1. Unique and Original Content.
2. Proper headlines and bullets.
3. Grammatical free Content.
4. Having good Content Length.
5. Content Should be Informative and Useful.
2. Create Privacy Policy Page For your Blog
This is the most common mistake done by many bloggers. There are bloggers who say that having a privacy policy page for your blog doesn’t make any sense, but they are absolutely wrong.
This is the first thing which you should make before putting adsense application for your blog or website. If you does not have this page then it will be very difficult to get approval, Simple as that.
But why it is important ?
First of all, Privacy Policy Page is the requirement for adsense. Another reason is this page shows that you are not a scam. It give a professional touch and sense of some serious business to your blog. Google will check other conditions only if you have this page on your blog.
Privacy Policy tells your readers what they will be getting on your blog, what to be done and what not. Well, there’s nothing bad in having a privacy policy page.
There are many free online privacy policy page generator which you can use to make a privacy page for your blog/website.
3. How to Create About Us Page
Similar to Privacy Policy Page, You must have a About Us page on your blog. About us pages shows google that their is a real person behind that blog.
Even in case you don’t want to apply for Adsense then also About us page has it’s own importance. If you have not published this page on your blog then there are zero chances for getting approved.
This page describe you as well as your relationship with the blog. Other than this, it also helps in making good relationship with your blog readers and make them trust over your blog.
4. Creating Contact us Page
What if your blog readers wanted to share their opinion about your blog with you ?
Giving your readers an opportunity to speak up to you and knowing their feedback about your blog, What they liked, what they don’t liked or what should be edited.
Contact us page shows that we are caring for our readers and ready to help them out. They can contact us and tell their opinions.
Google adsense team will also came to know that you care about your visitors and not just the money and Google Adsense.
Note : Google Adsense wants a clear navigation menu which help your readers finding pages and accessing them without facing any problem.
Adding a menu bar with all important pages and categories like About us, Contact us and privacy policy page on your blog helps you readers in finding out actual things what they are looking for. The more you care about your user experience, more chances will be there for getting application approval.
5. Properly Verify your Name and Email
Before applying for adsense don’t forget to put your working email address in visible pages like Contact and About us pages. This will help Google in confirming that you are the same person which is applying for approval not some scam or bots.
Because of this thing your verification process will be carried out smoothly without any complications.
6. Good Number of Blog Posts
Well, there’s no particular answer for the minimum posts requirements on your blog.
Well, there’s no particular answer for the minimum posts requirements on your blog.
I have seen many blogs with 300+ posts facing rejection while there are bloggers who have less number of blog posts not even 30 posts but still enjoying making money with Google Adsense.
Exactly, What I have said above. However, we can predict things.
According to my blogging experience, your blog should have at least 20 high-quality posts. Your each posts should be unique and useful and have 600+ words limit.
If your blog have following things you can apply for adsense :-
1. Clean and Simple website layout.
2. Proper Navigation.
3. Unique Blog Posts Niche.
4. Detailed Content.
5. Avoid “Unwanted” Blog widgets.
7. Age Limit - You’ve to be 18+
This is the most common mistake done by many newbie bloggers. Bloggers less than 18 years apply for adsense and face rejection. Sometimes they even mention incorrect ages and face problems.
You should always use your correct date of birth while applying for adsense account.
Google Adsense is not for those who are below 18 years. Many bloggers makes their blog successful but because of the adsense age limit they fail to approve their adsense account.
I’ll advice you to mention your true age instead of playing any tricks with Google. .
8. Simple and Clean Blog Design
I have also mentioned this point above, Your blog designs matter a lot in your application approval. You should give your blog a professional look. It should not look like a messy design. Google really appreciate those site who have clean, simple and fast loading website design.
Blog’s design is the first thing which you notice whenever you visit any blog. You have to improve your blog design to make a good first impression on your blog.
After quality content blog design is another most important factor. Professionalism, experience and expertise are represented by your blog design.
Your blog design must have these following features :-
1. Clean, Simple and Professional Look.
2. Proper and Easy Navigation.
3. Avoid Unwanted elements in sidebars and footer.
4. Search Engine Friendly.
5. Quick Loading.
6. Menu bar with necessary pages.
You should be very carefully while following these tips as even a small mistake can kill your chances for adsense application approval.
You can easily find thousands of websites offering free professional blog theme for your blog. You just need to look online for blog templates.
But, if you are using wordpress then I will recommend you to get a premium blog template from MyThemeShop.
If you are using blogspot platform then you can find thousands of free blog templates for your blog.
9. Do Check your Content Properly
You should always be careful with the type of content you publish on your blog. This thing is something which truly matters for your blog.
You should not publish following type of content on your blog :-
1. Pornography/Adult Contents.
2. Hacking tricks and tutorials.
3. Pirated Content.
4. Illegal Contents and other similar stuffs.
While creating your blog posts you should be careful with your language. Below is the list of languages which are only supported by Google Adsense.
If you are working or already written about these niches then in this case you can delete those blog posts or can stop thinking for Google Adsense.
10. Using Google Domain name
Recently, Google has made some changes in their policies. If your blog has subdomain name then chances for adsense approval increase.
But in case is you are using domain name such as .com then you have to submit the request to get your adsense account upgraded.
These days, you must have your own unique blog domain name. In case you don’t have one then get it right now. You have to buy a good domain name for your blog and if can’t afford one then stop dreaming about Adsense approval.
You can easily get domain names with some additional things like website builder and professional email address from various services available online. Godaddy, Bigrock and Namecheap are one of those most popular sites which offers these services.
I’ll recommend you to buy .com domain as it is considered the best domain. Except these things you should take care that your domain must be unique, attractive, easy to remember and related to your blog niche.
Domain age is another important thing which is considered by Google. In some Asian countries like India, Adsense has put some domain age restrictions. Google Adsense team won’t accept such sites which are less than 6 months older.
I’ve read many stories where people get adsense approval for few weeks old blogs while others having blog domain age older than 6 months got rejected. So, Domain age doesn’t matter really. If you have a high-quality content over your blog with proper site design then in such cases domain age doesn’t matters. Google will easily accept your application if your blog focus more on helping people.
11. Removing all other ad Networks from your blog
If you are publishing any other ads over your blog such as Infolinks, Clicksor, by Yahoo or anything else, it’s time to say them bye. You need to delete all other ads before applying for google adsense.
Remove all types of ads from your blog before putting your adsense application.
You can use other ad networks with Google Adsense but it’s better not to use before applying for approval. You can remove other ad networks for free weeks from your blog when you want to put application to Google Adsense.
12. Analysing your Website Traffic Sources
Google hates those sites who are getting paid traffic and most of the time they penalizes those sites so they doesn’t get a single chance for getting their application approved. If you really want to earn via Google Adsense then you should avoid getting paid traffic. You can drive traffic through social media, search engines or any other sources to your blog.
Note : Google doesn’t accepts those applications which are getting traffic from illegal website sources. Therefore, you must focus on getting visitors through social media sites, search engines and other related blogs.
What to do If not getting your application approved ?
Okay, tried everything but couldn’t make it ?
Okay, tried everything but couldn’t make it ?
Well, In this condition you can try these two ways :-
1. Try again, Don’t Give Up !
Try to fix all the issues due to which adsense is not approving your application. Remember you can keep on trying again and again until you get it right. There’s no limit for putting your application to Google Adsense. Just remember to use the same email address you used it for the first time.
2. Trying other Ad networks
There are many other high quality and trusted ad networks which you can use on your blog for making money. These ad networks are not difficult as Google Adsense when it comes to getting approval.
Following are the trusted and best alternative for Google Adsense. These alternatives can be used to earn money without Adsense and you don’t even have to put much efforts in getting their approval.
1. Infolinks
Infolinks is the best advertising network when seen in in-text ads. It offers about 70% revenue to newbie bloggers. Infolinks is not like other ad networks, as it consumes less website space because of in-text ads. Not only in-text ads but you can also add sidebar ads, pop-ups ads, and other type of ads on your blog.
You can also use this ad network safely with your adsense account.
Infolinks works on pay per click. Minimum payout is $50 i.e, you have to earn minimum $50 in order to withdrawal your money. User can use their paypal account, Net banking, e-cheque, Western union or Payoneer to withdrawal money.
2. Bidvertiser
It is another best alternative to Google Adsense which works on pay per click system. You can easily go for this ad network if your adsense account is banned or not getting approved. Bidvertiser offers you to add text ads, Banner ads , Mobile ads, Slider ads and many more ads types. Not only this but you can also earn through your customized toolbar promotion.
You should earn at least $10 for money withdrawal. This ad network pays you via Paypal or by Cheque.
3. is powered by Yahoo Bing Network. You can easily start making decent amount of money through this ad network. If you have a quality blog, it’s very easy to get it approved.
Via Paypal or by Net Banking you will be get paid by this ad network. Minimum payout is $100 for
I would like to tell you that getting adsense approval is not a difficult task if you have a quality blog which focuses more on quality-content. If you have properly optimized your blog for search engines, have good website design and getting decent amount of traffic to your blog then you can make it right.
Do remember these things before applying for Google Adsense. I think these things are not too hard. Don’t worry if your adsense account got rejected or banned, there are many other ways for making money through your blog online without adsense account.
Now here’s what I wanted from you :-
- Do share these tips on your social media networks, I’m sure your friends really gonna love it.
- Leave your comments down and let me know your questions, stories or any other type of feedback after reading the above content properly. I’ll sure be responding to your comments soon as possible.
Stay Connected & Keep Blogging… :)